Anti-Trump March By American Women Gains Momentum

So ladies and gentlemen, and especially ladies, finally Donald Trump has been elected as the next (President Of The United States) POTUS. Agreed that this presidential victory of Trump has proven the choice of majority, as opposed to the choice of whole electorate. President-elect, Donald Trump has made tall promises to his folks that he’ll be people’s president and will work towards making America, great again!



In his zest, he has made promises to come down heavy on immigrant communities in America, blatantly displayed misogyny and made his contempt evident for racial, religious and sexual minorities.


In doing so he has ticked off many liberals. Protests against Trump has swept across many American cities with scores of people asserting that he’s “not my President”. Post presidential elections, US has shown a deep caveat in its society and now it has become more than ever, important to address this issue.


“Women’s march to Washington” is one such show of solidarity undertaken to address the vulnerable situation, where the “outsiders” are feeling threatened and marginalised. An estimated of 100,000 people have said that they plan to attend this march taking place on 21st January 2017, a day after Mr. Trump’s inauguration and  officially taking over of administration. In its FB page, the significance of the march has been elaborated. These couple of lines from the event’s description, puts up one of the most essential deciding factor in undertaking the march.


“In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.”


The march has the potential to be the biggest mass mobilization, yet that America has seen in response to a presidential inauguration.

Bob Bland, one of the first women to organize the march on social media  said, that they want this march to be as inclusive as possible, while acknowledging that it’s okay to
have a women-centered march.

The march was ideated by a Hawaiian grandma, who had invited 40 of her friends to march with her to Washington. These 40 females in turn passed on the message to their friends and so on and so forth, this message spread like a wildfire. The idea thus went viral.


There are still plenty of details to be worked out, including the exact time and location, route, and program. Fundraising and organizing for travel and other logistics are being handled at the state and local level.


Donald Trump has emerged victorious, but has also garnered scores of opposers, due to his deeply offensive, and highly criticised election campaign. It’s to be seen whether Mr. Trump can get the idea behind this march, instead of branding it, with yet another of his misogynistic understanding of anything which has to do with the word, ‘Woman’.



Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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