We had a chat with Ankita Gaba, Co-founder - Social Samosa this morning. Here is what she told us -
@SHEROESIndia #SHEChats social media has a potential to go viral, spread, If you are known by one,chances are 30 more will get to know
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia It's the easiest and cheapest form of marketing tool available for individuals #SHEChats
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia if you want more work, more clients, more business, more recognition, Social Media can help you get that. #SHEChats
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia #SheChats Being regular is the key. Regular interactions build stronger bonds with your prospective clients or employers
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia #SheChats Also sharing and talking regularly about your area of expertise is crucial. No matter what platform.
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@nimu9 @SHEROESIndia Do's would be to talk on your area of expertise. Don'ts would be to not share any confidential details #SheChats
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@nimu9 @SHEROESIndia #SheChats so fine to hold back on displaying all personal traits on social media. But faking it is a strict no
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@nimu9 @SHEROESIndia TweetDeck, About.me, Buffer to schedule on tw/fb/linkedin. #SheChats
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia be honest, be regular, be kind and helpful, share knowledge and expertise, contribute to the ecosystem. #SheChats
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015
@SHEROESIndia #SheChats brand building would be a by product of this.
— Ankita Gaba (@ankitagaba) January 28, 2015