All Glitter Is Not Gold: Ritu Dalmia Shares Her Culinary Journey

Owner of 6 restaurants and a successful catering business, for Ritu Dalmia passion for food was discovered way early. At 9, instead of doctor-doctor, teacher-teacher, Ritu was playing restaurant-restaurant and serving her parents a 3 course meal on their return back home from vacation.

But back then cooking was more of a hobby. She never though about pursuing it as a profession, her dream was to be businesswoman. However after having spent a couple of years in her father’s business, she knew she wasn’t cut out for the industrial grunt.

On suggesstion by an Italian friend, young and impressionable at 20, Ritu went ahead to open the first Italian Restaurant. On opening a resturant of your own, Ritu Dalmia describes the whole process as a constant struggle. You are constantly switching hats between a business woman and a chef, with a horn on one side and halo on the other. Because, as a chef you’re not just a good cook, but also taking care of that rent you pay for the kitchen. One has to strike a balance.

She suggests getting your hands dirty to all aspiring to open a restaurant or become a chef, and not bother about wasting your time at a culinary school. Having barely finshed schooling, learning on the ground is her suggestion.

In the Podcast from Learn Educate Discover, Ritu goes on to share her culinary experience detail and decodes her secret to success.

You can listen to the podcast here:

Don’t miss out on her great 'food movie' suggestions right in the end!




Aanchal Malik
Experimenter. Sunshine Seeker. Chocolate Lover. Dancer. Problem Solver. Day Dreamer. Explorer. Wannabe Designer. Lifelong Learner. And wished that I had more time for Yoga.

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