A Young Woman's Guide To Contraception Options

For young women trying to climb the corporate ladder, having kids is an agenda. With stricter deadlines, unavoidable offsites, sudden promotions, immediate relocation requests and once-in-a-lifetime projects – an unplanned pregnancy can throw all your corporate ambitions completely off track. Contraception is the best way to ‘plan’ a pregnancy. From pills and IUD devices to barriers, there are various methods of contraception they can choose from. It is better to plan your family than to become unwilling parents.

Here are a few contraception options for today’s young women:

Choose the one which you find most easy to implement and after start on it consultation with your physician. Focus on your career and a loving relationship, and when ready – mentally, emotionally and financially – build a loving family.

By Divya Chauhan, CoFounder ItsPleazure

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Divya Chauhan
Divya Chauhan is the founder of Itspleazure.com

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