A Simple No Nonsense Guide To Weight Loss

So ‘it’ happened. You got sick, you aimed to do too much at once, you had a bad week (or month or year) and gained all your weight back. We’ve all been there and it sucks. And now you’re behind and you’re feeling overwhelmed. These are just a few tips I have for getting back on track (and hopefully ahead) after falling behind.

To avoid much of the confusion I tend to gravitate toward a simple, no-nonsense, and straightforward fat loss approach, while focusing little attention on the trivial solutions based upon “1 weird trick” or “1 little known secret” available online.

Newsflash: Fat loss isn’t magic. You can’t pull it out of a hat, wave your wand, or click the heels of your ruby red slippers to make it disappear. Getting healthy requires consistency and dedication toward your plan… whatever that plan may be. You don’t have to aim at being ripped , and as beautiful as all bodies are - there is nothing body positive about not trying to be in the best shape you can be. If that just means being able to walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing for you - great! If it means being svelte like a supermodel - that’s swell too!

So what is the best way to lose weight?

Eat better, move more and sleep well so you don’t exhaust yourself from all of it.


Start out slowly, don't over do-it and don't expect a miracle overnight. YOU have to want to do this. It takes commitment, that will be your first hurdle. Stay away from pre-packaged and convenience foods- full of chemicals and added salt. Measure and weigh serving sizes, exercise (your choice) 3-4 times a week 30 min or more. Don't make it easy on yourself, don't park your car near the entrance- walk the distance. Good luck.

Is the problem exercise? First thing first: MOVE as MUCH as you can. Don’t start with the sort of exercise you should’ve done in the last week/month/year. Just pick one thing - make sure you like it and that it works. And then just mercilessly ignore everything on the internet to the contrary.

The key is finding out what motivates you to continue going. As a beginner , the choices are :


So we all know and acknowledge that sleep is important. But do you have big important things like exams or work deadlines coming up that you haven’t prepared for? This is a rough choice but you need to decide whether sleep or work is better for you. There’s no wrong choice here; it’s different for everyone.

I hear you. You have soooo much on your mind. Sleep is impossible when you are soooooo busy. How about doing the same stuff we did as kids?


You are beautiful no matter what your weight, and it’s nobody's’ business what you eat and whether you exercise. It is your business though. Do what you can. Your health is important - mental and physical.  

That’s what I’ve got for now, I hope that some of this helps. I also want to remind you that you are not a bad person for getting behind whatever the reason was. Sometimes it happens even when you’re paying attention so try not to worry too much about it! If you find yourself getting overwhelmed and way too stressed out remember to let yourself breath and walk away for a few minutes.

P.S. Minutes are not months.


< She Learns As She Goes > 20-something Mumbaikar | Psychologist | Writer | Imperfect | Feminist | Bibliophile | Adventurer | Tea Snob | Mum to two dogs I blog under this pen name. Thanks for dropping by. Maybe you’ll stay and get to know me (and even like the place!) even though I don’t have a face.

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