7 things returning professionals must do for their career

If you are planning to return to the workforce this year, you owe it to yourself to strive for the best! But where do you start and how exactly?

Take stock of your career, the length of your break, assess where you are right now, where you aspire to be and plan how you’ll get there. Then start implementing.

Assess and Plan – This is most crucial. Assess your professional journey so far, and chalk out goals for what you want to achieve in the future – e.g. 5 years down the line, and how you can achieve these goals. Then break this plan into smaller yearly goals and get to work.

Find a Mentor – Find a senior person from your field of work (preferably one that you can connect with at least on a monthly basis) who can guide and help you navigate the corporate jungle. Several platforms like SHEROES offer a board of mentors who can answer any business or career query.

Join Industry Associations and Groups – Try to connect with people from your own industry or the one that you want to pursue a career in and build a professional network. If possible participate and contribute to these associations by way of knowledge sharing or by simply volunteering your time.

Start Reading – Read news pieces and business views relevant to your industry. If you are from a finance background, start with catching up on financial newspapers and magazines to make up for your break.  

Join a Course –It’s important that you keep upgrading existing skills and adding new ones. If you are returning after a break, a quick recap course in your field may help.

Update Your Resume – Update your resume with your latest skill set and work experience. Also ensure that your resume is grammatically correct and to the point.

Audit Your Social Media Accounts – A lot of companies/hiring managers do check a candidates social media activities, especially on Facebook, and Twitter. Ensure that you’re not sharing any content or personal details (photographs, opinions) that may jeopardize your chances of getting that job. If you do want to share personal details, make use of privacy settings.  

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Kontent Factory

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