5 things every working woman must do before the year ends!

Another year may be drawing to a close. Here are some top picks on what you should get done before the sun sets on 2015!

Take stock of your stocks

With the markets being what they have been, this would be a good time to get a hold on your portfolio and make the necessary changes to it. Analyse a diversified mix of stocks and bonds you may want to add to make your investments more sound and secure.

Invest for your retirement

Plan for your retirement. Find and invest in a retirement plan that can keep pace with your lifestyle even after the inflow of cash stops. With that done, you shouldn’t have to make changes in your lifestyle in your sunset years. You have from now until March 2016 to make a contribution to your retirement plan, before filing of your tax returns.

Update your resume

Begin the New Year with a bang and an updated resume. Make a list of your biggest achievements of the year and let the top picks from there go on your resume. Update your profile on professional networking sites too.

Learn something new

You can never be late to learn something new. There is always something new to learn and help you grow. Whether it is something personal like a music class or a hobby class, or a programme that can help you grow professionally, sign up for one. From management programmes to management development programmes (MDPs), to MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and other skill development workshops, there are many things you can do. Signing up for a programme will bring back into your life academic discipline and interest, not to mention the knowledge acquired.

Re-prioritise projects

You may have made an elaborate list at the beginning of the year but it is time to make some changes to it. Go through it and do some cleaning up. Take what you think is not important anymore off your list. Reprioritise the rest.

By Kontent Factory

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