5 Hacks To Help You Overcome Hesitance When Making A Comeback

Making a come-back, or restarting your career as a woman can be quite challenging. But in the toughest of times, it pays to remember that you aren’t just women, you are all SHEROES! And as SHEROES, what could you do to help overcome your hesitance when restarting your career after a hiatus. Take charge of your career by trying out these five tips which will help you gain the confidence needed to make a come-back into the industry!

Communication Skills ~ When looking to make a come-back, honing your written and spoken communication skills is an absolute must. Your communication skills are crucial for you to be able to network, and also for the manner in which you carry out your written correspondence with your potential recruiters.

Networking ~ When you have been out of touch with the industry for some time, networking is one of the primary things which will help you get back on the saddle. Attend events and seminars pertaining to the field you are looking to make a comeback into. At SHEROES, we organize and conduct various workshops (a lot of times in partnership with other amazing organizations) and seminars to help prepare women to make a comeback, watch out for those!

Revamp your Resume ~ Created one when you were graduating from college? It is time to go back to your resume and spruce it up according to the profiles you are looking for. Your resume represents you. Make sure you make one that truly reflects the SHERO you are! Here is some help, so you can ‘write your resume right!’

Update your LinkedIn ~ If there’s anything which could prove to be a greater proof of your accomplishments apart from your resume, it is your LinkedIn profile. When looking to make a comeback, one of the first things you should do is update and keep in touch with your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is undoubtedly the best platform which connects professionals across countries and time zones. Don’t miss out on the terrific opportunities that a good LinkedIn profile has to offer. Update your Linkedin profile today! Did you say you don’t have one yet? Well go get one today!

Your Social Media Existence ~ That’s right, your social media existence matters. Use these platforms to your advantage by connecting with potential employers, recruiters and fellow candidates. Every social media platform you can think of, has a huge network of women looking to restart. So charge your devices and take social media more seriously than you usually do. Connect actively and with purpose and watch as your resources grow!

Have you just made a successful comeback into the industry? Tell us what worked in your favour. Or rather, how you made it work in your favour.


Shreeradha Mishra
Shreeradha is a passionate child rights professional and a freelance writer. Most of the other times, she is traveling, photographing, baking or eating

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