4 Topics To Read This Sunday To Jumpstart Your Next Week

Sunday is finally here! You must have slept peacefully, following a long and tiring week. Freshen up your groggy eyes, and read this compilation of useful topics, which will brighten your Sunday.

Work Hard Or Work Smart

I and my friends often complain about lack of time, and how exhausted we find ourselves, 24/7. Working our asses off, and draining ourselves by the end of the week. By weekend, we are again busy fulfilling our social engagements. Another week starts, and we find ourselves trapped in this vicious circle. To address this issue try reviewing your model of work, whether you’re a hard worker or a smart worker. Try adopting a balance between both. This article is your quick fix solution to the work management issue.



Bossy Or A Leader


Bossing around is not liked by many. An inclusive leader is every employee’s dream. And, being respected and admired is every boss’ dream. But, that can’t be achieved by throwing your weight around. A fun and insightful post on two differing types of leadership, is your guide, to spot in which category you boss falls. Or, what kind of a boss you make, if you are one.


Build Your Wealth

Pay day, yay! But by month end, we become cashless and  are borrowing money from our friends, family, and even acquaintances, to cope with cash crunch. Ever wondered how some of your friends ace the game of managing their funds. Build your wealth with this plan. This post will tell you how to do it.

Will The ATM Queues End?

We have been struggling with the demons of demonetisation. One of the most harrowing experience has been standing, 2 to 3 hours in ATM queues. At times returning empty handed. It’s the month of December, and new year is round the corner, One of the biggest concerns, is whether the mood will be dampened, due to the serpentine ATM queues. This TOI piece, will clear your doubts.



Lola Jutta
An unapologetic writer, budding travel enthusiast and a default optimist! Life is what you make out of it.

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