4 Simple, Unwritten, Office ‘Rules’ That Are Better Not To Break!

First jobs can invite a host of emotions; apprehension to eagerness and even happiness. Today’s youngsters are a lot more confident and outspoken. This can partly be attributed to a faster-paced world and partly to the digital boom where the world is always connected.

While this can be a positive feature in some sense, in many cases, it can backfire too. When a senior copywriter at a leading advertising firm recently tried to work with the just-joined trainee copywriter, she was pretty much aghast at the way her subordinate would react to every criticism she had to share.

(Also read - Kowrk Is Enabling ‘Airbnb For Office Space’)

Are you new at your job? Or are you new at the workplace? Maybe it is time to read up about a few things that are better not done when at the office.

1: Dressing too casually. Or too flashy. It is an office, not a party.

If it is your first job or for that matter your first few days at a new job, it is probably safer to try and dress  in semi-formal attire. Even if you work in an open, casual and liberal space, avoid the open slippers, short shorts, and torn jeans, till you see others wearing some too. In the advertising world for instance, casual dressing is the norm. But for a brand new entrant, it might be a safer bet to be more presentable initially. And remember, casual does not mean unclean! Do everything in your power, invest in the best deodorant available. ‘Stinky’, is not a funny nickname to have at work.

2: Being an over friendly backslapping motormouth.

Your colleagues, rather, your NEW colleagues are not your friends, not yet. Try to control your enthusiastic chatter, and the amount of personal information you share with them. No one cares about your manicure, phoren-trip, or why you broke up with an ex. They certainly don’t care about your gossip from the party last night. Over a period of time, some colleagues may turn into friends. Till then, keep the ‘you-know-what-did-last-night information to yourself. Let people know you better, as a person, and a colleague first. Keep calm and carry on with your work. Yes, of course you can smile, and have cool conversations.

3: Taking feedback or criticism to heart, and sulking.

At work, always be open to criticism because that is one of the best ways to learn more about the industry, your workspace,  scope of work. Stand up for what you believe in, or an idea you believe in only if you absolutely know it is going to work, or if you have substantial data to support it. If you receive criticism or even a big fat NO from your superiors and colleagues, do not jump into argumentative mode until you have your data in place. And for heaven’s sake, do not sulk and get all teary. Emotional blackmail is a never a good idea, especially at work.

4: Know the difference between a discussion and an argument.

Avoid getting into arguments at the workplace as much as possible. Seasoned employees have a way of dealing with office misunderstandings. They too have learnt this over time, for a newbie though it is tempting to start throwing tantrums and have arguments when you don’t agree with something. Avoid this. Try to find a better way to deal with problems. Get your supervisor on board and discuss your concerns. Write an email to the HR team if required, or sleep over  it and see whether the issue was even worth so much mental stress in the first place. When in doubt: think before you speak. Think twice if you have to.

What were the cool new-jobs  hacks that worked for you? Please do share in the comments below, a whole generation of   freshers will thank you forever!

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Paroma Sen
Paroma Sen is a professional content and creative writer.

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