10 Tips To Boost Productivity

9:00 am: Enters office, Orders coffee, check emails, LINKEDIN.

10:30 am: Finishing touches to the south zonal marketing research report, check mails, revert to Senior manager’s 3rd mail on the progress of report, check Facebook, get back to the report,

12:45 pm: Gossip around her desk with Joey on the last weekend’s party, attend HR meeting with the team on the new recruitment & selection policies, check ASOS.com,

2:15 pm: lunching with colleagues, work on the report, coffee again,

4:30 pm: Tweet photos of the weekend party, some more coffee, send across mail on the final status of the project……that’s how the day rolls over for Lisa.

Her work routine is pretty much an evidence of her love-hate relationship with deadlines and boss, her lack of concentration (read that zilch concentration) and her sinking efficiency. Lisa and others who are looking to accelerate their productivity at work, here are some tips to get you landed in a more constructive and lucrative work-zone:


To-Do list: Yes, this may sound a cliché, but 90% of successful maestros believe it is crucial to develop one on a routinely basis. It aims to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, it helps categorize the tasks based on priority and significance, and secondly on completion of tasks, striking them from the list gives a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Just do it’ rule: If any task/job can be accomplished in the next 5 minutes or less, do it immediately. Like a reply to an email on the status of the project can be buffed in a snap, just do it then instead of postponing it and achieving A+ grade in making a pile of chores.

Volitional time-limits: Set deadlines voluntarily for your projects, they help you manage things in time. Not to disagree, they do raise a level of stress, but this acute stress is known to improve mental strength, create greater resilience, enhance clarity and develop self-confidence.

Take regular breaks: Short breaks between work are scientifically proven to heighten up that level of concentration, while giving you the much-needed interlude to get back on that research with more focus, more productivity and a fresh perspective. Try Pomodoro Technique i.e. working in small bursts. Tony Schwartz, head of productivity consulting firm The Energy Project says “The trouble is that, without any downtime to refresh and recharge, we’re less efficient, make more mistakes, and get less engaged with what we’re doing.


Delegate Tasks: You alone cannot do everything with perfection. To maintain efficiency and to maximize productivity, delegation is quintessential.  The challenge is delegating the right task to the right person. Ensure clarity on giving clear instructions, deadlines and follow ups. For in depth study, you can refer to the book “Work Less, Do More” by Jan Yager.

Downplay Distractions: It is vital to know how to make smart use of smart technology and not let it interfere with our work schedules. Social media is addictive,  I myself check Facebook 4 times a day, but I make sure it is not between work.  People spent over 12 billion hours browsing on a social network every day, in U.S., that’s as much as a monetary loss of over $600 billion annually. So, the key is shut the door, disconnect from social media, focus and get that s**t done.


Accolade yourself for motivation: When a target is achieved, it is satisfying to reward yourself in some manner. This could be any form just the way you like it: a material possession or a treat in your favourite eatery. One way I like to reward myself is go shopping or salon pampering when I complete a project.

Be proactive and pre-plan: This may sound like a wimpy activity, but trust me it can be an entire game-changer. Pre-plan your next day, prioritize tasks that need to be finished first, and develop to act before the critical situation has taken place. This can help you make your mornings easier and the days to roll out smoother.

Step Back to LEAD: In this informational and learning economy, productivity requires not only perseverance — but a deeper understanding of matters and problem solving.  As per the research studies, we are likely to find avant-garde solutions when we temporarily distance ourselves from the daily grub work. Recall a moment when you found a breakthrough idea during that morning run or on that mini weekend trip.

Open doors for others: According to the research high achievers are also givers: those who relish supporting others without any self-interest. Choose your fields of expertise that you honestly enjoy and excel at, and provide assistance in relevant situations and opportunities.




Surabhi Paliwal
Hi! I am an entrepreneur (by brain) and a blogger (by heart). I am also pursuing Ph.D in strategy. I love reading, travelling, pilates, socializing and food. I am a chatter box and also a 'neat-freak' and like things organised. I like to learn about positive psychology, business trends and concepts, and technology.

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